
智能包装机 5个月前 (10-06)



1. 通过某物


The train passed the station.(火车经过了车站。)


She passed the exam with flying colors.(她考试通过了,成绩非常好。)

2. 传递


Could you pass me the salt, please?(请把盐递给我好吗?)

He passed the message to me.(他把消息传递给了我。)

3. 超过


He passed me on the highway.(他在高速公路上超过了我。)

The company passed its competitors in sales.(这家公司在销售额上超过了竞争对手。)

4. 通过考试


I hope I can pass the driving test this time.(我希望这次能通过驾驶考试。)

She passed her medical exams and became a doctor.(她通过了医学考试,成为了一名医生。)

5. 经过


We passed through the city on our way to the beach.(我们在去海滩的路上经过了这个城市。)

The river passes through the valley.(这条河流经过了这个山谷。)

6. 放弃


He passed on the opportunity to invest in the company.(他放弃了在这家公司投资的机会。)

She passed up the chance to study abroad.(她错过了出国留学的机会。)


1. 通行证


I need to show my pass to get into the building.(我需要出示我的通行证才能进入这栋大楼。)

The mountain climbers had to get a pass to enter the national park.(登山者们必须要获得通行证才能进入国家公园。)

2. 传球


His pass to the striker was perfect.(他传给前锋的球非常完美。)

The quarterback's pass was intercepted by the defense.(四分卫的传球被防守方拦截了。)

3. 考试及格


He got a pass in the math exam.(他在数学考试中及格了。)

She needs to get a pass in all her exams to graduate.(她需要在所有考试中都及格才能毕业。)

4. 通过


The teacher gave him a pass to leave class early.(老师给了他一个通行证,让他提前离开课堂。)

I got a pass to the VIP lounge at the airport.(我获得了在机场VIP休息室的通行证。)


1. pass away

“Pass away”是一个固定搭配,意思是“去世”,例如:

My grandfather passed away last year.(我爷爷去年去世了。)

2. pass out

“Pass out”是一个固定搭配,意思是“昏倒”,例如:

The heat made her pass out.(炎热让她昏倒了。)

3. pass up

“Pass up”是一个固定搭配,意思是“错过机会”,例如:

Don't pass up the chance to study abroad.(不要错过出国留学的机会。)

4. pass by

“Pass by”是一个固定搭配,意思是“路过”,例如:

I saw him pass by my house yesterday.(我昨天看到他经过了我的房子。)

5. pass on

“Pass on”是一个固定搭配,意思是“传递”,例如:

Please pass on the message to your colleagues.(请把这个消息传递给你的同事。)

6. pass for

“Pass for”是一个固定搭配,意思是“被认为是”,例如:

He could pass for a teenager even though he's in his thirties.(尽管他已经三十多岁了,但他看起来还像个十几岁的青少年。)

7. pass the buck

“Pass the buck”是一个固定搭配,意思是“推卸责任”,例如:

He always tries to pass the buck when something goes wrong.(每当出了问题,他总是试图推卸责任。)


“Pass”是一个非常常用的英文单词,它有多种不同的用法和含义。作为动词,它可以表示通过、传递、超过、通过考试、经过、放弃等意思;作为名词,它可以表示通行证、传球、考试及格、通过等意思。此外,还有一些常见的固定搭配,如“pass away”、“pass out”、“pass up”等。掌握这些用法和搭配,可以帮助我们更好地理解和运用这个单词。

