
智能包装机 7个月前 (08-16)





1. 持有、抓住或握住某物



- She is holding a book in her hand.(她手里拿着一本书。)

- He held the steering wheel tightly.(他紧紧握住方向盘。)

- The baby is holding onto his mother's hand.(婴儿紧紧抓住他妈妈的手。)

2. 控制、支配或管理某物


- The company holds a monopoly in this market.(这个公司在这个市场上垄断了。)

- The president holds the power to veto any bill.(总统有否决任何法案的权力。)

- The teacher holds the attention of his students.(老师吸引了学生们的注意力。)

3. 保持某种状态或位置


- The door is held open by a wedge.(门被楔子撑开。)

- The athlete held his position until the end of the race.(运动员一直保持着他的位置,直到比赛结束。)

- The temperature has held steady at 25 degrees Celsius.(温度一直保持在25摄氏度。)

4. 维持、支持或坚持某种信仰、态度或行为


- She holds strong beliefs about social justice.(她对社会正义有强烈的信仰。)

- He holds fast to his principles even in difficult situations.(他即使在困难的情况下也坚持自己的原则。)

- The team holds a positive attitude towards the upcoming game.(团队对即将到来的比赛持积极态度。)

5. 举行、进行或组织某种活动或事件


- The school holds a charity event every year.(学校每年都举办慈善活动。)

- The conference will be held in the main hall.(会议将在主会场举行。)

- The festival is held in honor of the harvest season.(这个节日是为了纪念丰收季节而举办的。)

6. 支撑、承载或容纳某物


- The bridge can hold the weight of heavy trucks.(这座桥可以承载重型卡车的重量。)

- The shelf can hold up to 50 books.(这个书架可以容纳50本书。)

- The bag can hold all your belongings.(这个包可以装下你所有的物品。)


1. hold on:等一下、别挂电话


- Hold on, let me check my schedule.(等一下,让我查一下我的日程安排。)

- Can you hold on for a moment? I need to grab a pen.(你能等一下吗?我需要拿笔。)

- Please hold on while I transfer your call.(请稍等一下,我转接你的电话。)

2. hold back:阻止、抑制


- She had to hold back her tears when she heard the sad news.(当她听到悲伤的消息时,她不得不忍住眼泪。)

- The police held back the crowd to prevent a riot.(警察阻止了人群,以防止骚乱。)

- He tried to hold back his anger, but he couldn't help shouting.(他试图控制自己的愤怒,但他忍不住大声喊叫。)

3. hold off:推迟、延迟


- The meeting has been held off until next week.(会议已经推迟到下周。)

- We need to hold off on making a decision until we have more information.(我们需要推迟做出决定,直到我们有更多的信息。)

- The rain held off until the end of the game.(雨一直推迟到比赛结束。)

4. hold up:支撑、阻碍、延误


- The pillars hold up the roof of the building.(支柱支撑着建筑物的屋顶。)

- The traffic accident held up the traffic for hours.(交通事故使交通堵塞了几个小时。)

- The delivery was held up due to bad weather.(由于天气不好,交货被延迟了。)

5. hold accountable:追究责任


- The company will hold the employee accountable for the mistake.(公司将追究员工的责任。)

- The government must hold the officials accountable for their actions.(政府必须追究官员的行为责任。)

- The parents should hold their children accountable for their behavior.(父母应该追究孩子的行为责任。)


1. hold of

错误用法:I need to hold of him to confirm the meeting time.

正确用法:I need to get hold of him to confirm the meeting time.

解析:Hold of是一种常见的错误用法,正确的用法是get hold of。Get hold of的意思是“联系到某人”,而hold of则没有这个意思。

2. hold to

错误用法:I will hold to my promise no matter what.

正确用法:I will hold on to my promise no matter what.

解析:Hold to是一种常见的错误用法,正确的用法是hold on to。Hold on to的意思是“坚持、保持”,而hold to则没有这个意思。

3. hold of the opinion

错误用法:I am hold of the opinion that we should invest more in education.

正确用法:I am of the opinion that we should invest more in education.

解析:Hold of the opinion是一种常见的错误用法,正确的用法是of the opinion。Of the opinion的意思是“认为、持有某种观点”,而hold of the opinion则没有这个意思。



